Home Page > St. Bride's Crossing



A new crossing loop was established at St. Bride's in 1893 to split the section between Callander West and Strathyre. John Anderson's desire to open a station here was thwarted by landowner objections. A switching-out facility was provided in 1921. For a period, a siding had existed on the Down side. The crossing loop and signal box closed in 1951.

Thursday, 27 July 1893

Maj. Gen. Hutchinson (Board of Trade) reported on his inspection of a new passenger passing place with a new signal cabin (10 working levers and 8 spaces) and found the interlocking correct.

Thursday, 27 July 1893

Signal box opened.

View Signalling Notice

St. Bride's Crossing (1893)
St. Bride's Crossing (1893)

Monday, 5 December 1921

Switching-out facility provided. All trains run via the Up Loop when the signal box is switched out.

St. Bride's Crossing (1921)
St. Bride's Crossing (1921)

Wednesday, 1 May 1940

Alterations. Details unknown. (provision of new Down siding?)

Sunday, 19 March 1950

Down siding removed.

View Signalling Notice

Sunday, 23 September 1951

Crossing loop abolished and signal box closed.