No. 1361
NEW SIGNAL BOXES AND ALTERATIONS OF AND ADDITIONAL SIGNALS AT CONNEL FERRYIn consequence of the making of a Junction at this place for the new Ballachulish Line the following alterations of and additions to the Signalling have been made. All previous Notices issued for this place are superseded by this issue. CONNEL FERRY EAST BOX A new Signal Box, to be called Connel Ferry East Box, has been erected and stands by the side of the Down Main Line, about 434 yards East of the 65½ Mile Post, and about 124 yards East of the present Frame, and from it the following Signals will be worked;- HOME AND ADVANCED HOME SIGNALS.- The Up Signal for the Main Line is the Signal on the Post which stands between the Up and Down Main Lines, about 98 yards West of the Signal Box. (This Post also carries a left-hand Bracket Disc Signal). The Up Signal for the Ballachulish Line stands by the side of that Line, about 179 yards West of the Signal Box. (This Post also carries a left-hand Bracket Disc Signal).
A Bracketted Signal Post, as shewn, has been erected by the side of the Main Line, about 116 yards East of the Signal Box, and about 694 yards East of Connel Ferry West Box. (1) Will be the Down Home Signal for the Main Line. (2) Will be the Down Distant Signal for the Main Line for Connel Ferry West Box. (3) Will be the Bracket Disc Signal from the Down Main Line to the Loop. (4) Will be the Bracket Disc Signal from the Down Main Line to the Goods Yard. The Advanced Up Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Main Line is the Signal on the Post which stands outside the Sidings, about 29 yards East of the Signal Box. (This Post also carries a left-hand Bracket Disc Signal). DISTANT SIGNALS.- The Up Signal for the Main Line stands on a Post on the Signal Bridge which has been erected across the Line, about 487 yards West of the Signal Box, and about 24 yards East of Connel Ferry West Box. (The upper Signal on this Post is the Advanced Up Home Signal for Connel Ferry West Box). A diagram of this Signal Bridge is given in a following paragraph. The Down Signal stands on the right hand side of the Main Line, about 606 yards East of the Signal Box. SIDING SIGNALS.- The Signal from the Up Main Line to the Dead - End is the Disc Signal on the Post carrying the Up Home Signal for the Main Line, already described. The Signal from the Loop to the Main Line is the Ground Signal which stands outside the Loop, about 98 yards West of the Signal Box. The Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Sidings is the left hand Bracket Disc Signal on the Post carrying the Up Home Signal for the Ballachulish Line, already described. The Signal from the East Dock is the Ground Signal which stands outside the Dock Siding, about 146 yards West of the Signal Box. The Signal from the Sidings to the Main Line is the nearer to the rails of the two Ground Signals which stand outside the Sidings, about 24 yards West of the Signal Box. The Signal further from the rails is the Signal from the Siding to the Shunting Siding. The Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Dead - End is the left-hand Bracket Signal on the Post carrying the Advanced Home Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Main Line, already described. The Signal from the Dead - End stands outside that Siding, about 104 yards East of the Signal Box. CONNEL FERRY WEST BOX A new Signal Box, to be called Connel Ferry West Box, has been erected and stands by the side of the Down Main Line, about 77 yards West of the 65½ Mile Post, and about 387 yards West of the present Frame, and from it the following Signals will be worked:- HOME AND ADVANCED HOME SIGNALS.- The Up Signal for the Main Line stands by the side of that Line, about 158 yards West of the Signal Box.
A Bracketted Signal Post, as shewn, has been erected by the side of the Ballachulish Line, about 167 yards North of the Signal Box. (1) Will be the Up Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Ballachulish Platform. (2) Will be the Up Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Ballachulish Dock. (3) Will be the Disc Signal from the Ballachulish Line to the Up Main Line.
A Bracketted Signal Post, as shewn, has been erected between the Down Main Line and the Loop, about 188 yards East of the Signal Box. (1) Will be the Down Signal for the Main Line. (2) Will be the Signal from the Down Main Line to the Ballachulish Line.
A Bracketted Signal Post, as shewn, has been erected on the Ballachulish Platform, about 157 yards East of the Signal Box. (1) Will be the Down Signal from the Ballachulish Platform to the Ballachulish Line. (2) Will be the Signal from the Ballachulish Platform to the Main Line. The Signal from the Ballachulish Dock stands outside that Line, about 118 yards East of the Signal Box.
A Signal Bridge, as shewn, has been erected over the Main and Ballachulish Lines, about 24 yards East of the Signal Box, and about 487 yards West of Connel Ferry East Box. (1) Will be the Advanced Up Signal for the Main Line. (2) Will be the Advanced Signal from the Up Main Line to the Ballachulish Platform. (3) Will be the Disc Signal from the Up Main Line to the Loop. (4) Will be the Up Distant Signal for the Main Line for Connel Ferry East Box, already described. The Advanced Down Signal for the Main Line stands by the side of that Line, about 68 yards West of the Signal Box. DISTANT SIGNALS.- The Up Signal for the Main Line stands by the side of that Line, about 1,000 yards West of the Signal Box. The Up Signal for the Ballachulish Line stands by the side of that Line, about 965 yards North of the Signal Box. The Down Signal for the Main Line is the lower Signal on the Double - Bracketted Post which carries the Down Home Signal for the Main Line for Connel Ferry East Box, already described as standing about 694 yards East of the Box, and about 116 yards East of the Connel Ferry East Box. SIDING SIGNALS.- The Signal from the Loop to the Down Main Line is the further from the rails of the two Ground Signals which stand outside the Loop, about 187 yards East of the Signal Box. The Signal nearer to the rails is the Signal from the Loop to the Ballachulish Line.
To come into operation on Tuesday, the 18th day of August, 1903.