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Signalling Notices


No. 1009
GLASGOW, 3rd November, 1898


In consequence of the operations at present being carried on near Connel Ferry Station, in connection with the formation of a new Railway to Ballachulish, and to protect passing trains from blasting in the new cutting West of the Station, the following additions have been made to the signalling:-

A new Dwarf Frame has been placed on the North side of the Main Line, about 165 yards East from the 65¾ mile post, and about 589 yards West from the principal Station Signal Frame, and the following Signals will be worked from it:-

Home Signals.- A new Up Signal has been placed on the Post which at present carries the Station Up Distant Signal, and which stands on the South side of the Main Line, about 297 yards West from the new Dwarf Frame. The Station Up Distant which is the lower of the two Signals, will be slotted with this Signal.

A new Down Signal has been erected outside the Down Loop, and stands about 27 yards West from the West end of the Down Platform, and about 375 yards East from the new Dwarf Frame.

The other Signals remain unaltered.

To come into operation on Friday, the 4th day of November, 1898.