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The layout at Killin comprised three sidings and a single platform on the Down side. The only signal there was a single semaphore controlling the exit from the sidings.

Friday, 12 February 1886

Col. Marindin (Board of Trade) reported on his inspection of the Killin branch. He stated that the ground frame at Killin station was controlled by the key on the branch train staff. There were no main line signals. Trains could be shut in. The mode of working was one engine in steam or two engines coupled together.

Thursday, 1 April 1886

Line opened between Killin Junction and Loch Tay. Signal box opened.

Tuesday, 14 February 1928

Alterations. Details unknown.

Monday, 25 February 1929

Temporary closure of line between Killin and Loch Tay due to reconstruction of bridge over River Lochay.

Saturday, 1 June 1929

Line re-opened between Killin and Loch Tay.

Sunday, 1 September 1935

Signal box closed.

▼ For later history, see Killin (1935–1965).